Valuable Models, Part V: Spreading the Word
In Part I of this series, I discussed how my Apple TV app, Scoreboard, uses a model comprised entirely of value types, allowing me to centralize all view updates in a single property observer. In Part II, I discussed using an array diffing algorithm to figure out how to update the view. In Part III, I showed how you can give value types identities so you can tell an addition from an edit. In Part IV, I explained how this diff-based updating logic is shared by unrelated controllers.
But there's still a significant problem with this approach. In a conventional object-based model, you can hand your own objects to other view controllers, and they can mutate them in ways that your code will see later. In a value-based model, other view controllers have their own copies of your models, and their changes don't affect your copies. How can you be sure to update the right part of your model?
The answer comes back to the Identifiable
The Approach
Let's say you're writing a PlayerEditorViewController
. This controller can edit a Player
's name
and score
. It keeps the instance it's editing in a player
field. You display it with an EditPlayer
segue, and it returns with an unwind segue to your savePlayer(_:)
Writing prepareForSegue(_:sender:)
is simple enough:
func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
switch segue.identifier {
case "EditPlayer"?:
let indexPath = indexPathForCell(sender as! UICollectionViewCell)
let controller = segue.destinationViewController as! PlayerEditorViewController
controller.player = scoreboard.players[indexPath.item]
fatalError("Unknown segue \(segue.identifier)")
But what happens now? If the controller tries to edit the player
, that won't change anything in scoreboard.players
We're going to have to remember something about the Player
that we can use to find it later. One strategy would be to store its index in the scoreboard.players
array. But array indices can change; we'd prefer something more permanent. What can we do?
Well, we already have a permanent identifier for each model: the model's identity
. We can use that to look for the right model to replace. Here's a naïve example:
@IBAction func savePlayer(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
let controller = segue.sourceViewController as! PlayerEditorViewController
let player = controller.player
scoreboard.players[scoreboard.players.indexOf({ p in p === player })!] = player
That's the logic we need. But it's quite a lot of boilerplate, isn't it? Especially for something we'll probably do in other places in our code. It'd be nicer to say, oh, maybe:
@IBAction func savePlayer(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
let controller = segue.sourceViewController as! PlayerEditorViewController
let player = controller.player
scoreboard.players.byIdentity[player.identity] = player
Well, you can. And once you know the tricks, it's not even difficult.
Trick One: Extensions with a where
Whatever we do here, we want it to apply to the Array
s of Identifiable
types that we use. It shouldn't—really, can't—apply to other Array
This is easy enough to ensure with a where
extension Array where Element: Identifiable {
Trick Two: Computed Variables Setting self
What we want to do is provide something like a dictionary form of the array, with identities as keys and elements as values. We'll end up doing something else later, but we can use Dictionary
as a placeholder for now.
What we're going to do is return a dictionary representation of the array:
extension Array where Element: Identifiable {
var byIdentity: [Element.Identity: Element] {
get {
var dict: [Element.Identity: Element] = [:]
for elem in self {
dict[elem.identity] = elem
return dict
But we also want to be able to modify this dictionary and update the array from it. No problem—just add a setter:
extension Array where Element: Identifiable {
var byIdentity: [Element.Identity: Element] {
get {
var dict: [Element.Identity: Element] = [:]
for elem in self {
dict[elem.identity] = elem
return dict
set {
self = Array(newValue.values)
By setting self
, we can replace the entire array with a new one derived from the identity-based representation. You might recognize this approach from Swift.String
, which has characters
, unicodeScalars
, utf16
, and utf8
views as assignable properties.
Trick Three: An Inside-Out Representation
However, we don't really want a Dictionary
. The order of elements in our array is very important, but Dictionary
stores its values unordered. Dictionary
also contains a lot of things we don't really need—if you want to loop over the elements, you can just use the original array. And there's nothing stopping you from mismatching keys and value identities.
So let's stub out a custom type we'll use instead.
extension Array where Element: Identifiable {
var byIdentity: IdentityView<Element> {
get {
return IdentityView(self)
set {
self = newValue.elements
struct IdentityView<Element: Identifiable> {
init(_ elems: [Element]) {
var elements: [Element] {
get { ... }
subscript(identity: Element.Identity) -> Element? {
get { ... }
set { ... }
As you can see, this type has the same subscripting semantics as a Dictionary
, but none of the ancillary parts, like conformance to CollectionType
But we have an important decision to make. How are we going to store the elements? Are we going to build some sort of dictionary or tree to help find elements faster by identity?
My decision was, no. We're going to use the array and scan it sequentially.
extension Array where Element: Identifiable {
var byIdentity: IdentityView<Element> {
func indexOfIdentity(identity: Element.Identity) -> Int? {
return indexOf { elem in elem.identity == identity }
struct IdentityView<Element: Identifiable> {
init(_ elems: [Element]) {
elements = elems
var elements: [Element]
subscript(identity: Element.Identity) -> Element? {
get {
guard let index = elements.indexOfIdentity(identity) else {
return nil
return elements[index]
set { ... }
Why? Well, I expect that you're not going to hold on to an IdentityView
instance very long. You're probably only going to subscript it once or twice before you throw it away. Any attempt to convert the array into a "faster" data structure would require at least one full scan of the array—and probably quite a bit more work than just that—while a single sequential scan would take no more time than that, and even two sequential scans would probably be faster than building a data structure. These are seat-of-the-pants decisions, of course, but if profiling demonstrated that IdentityView
instances were problematically slow, it could always be revisited later in more depth.
The second decision to be made is about the setting logic. What do we do if identity
doesn't exist in the array? What if identity
and newValue.identity
don't match? What if newValue
is nil
? Are we going to ignore some of those cases, or should we try to do the right thing?
My decision was to try to do something sensible in all of those cases, even though that's a little bit complicated. Rather than using lots of nested if
s, we use a switch
statement on both newValue
and elements.indexOfIdentity
to determine exactly what to do.
subscript(identity: Element.Identity) -> Element? {
get {
set {
switch (newValue, elements.indexOfIdentity(identity)) {
case (let newValue?, let index?):
// Replacing/editing an existing instance
elements[index] = newValue
case (let newValue?, nil):
// Adding something that doesn't exist yet
case (nil, let index?):
// Setting something to nil to delete it
case (nil, nil):
// Trying to delete something that doesn't actually exist
Putting It All Together
With that in place, the syntax I proposed earlier now works perfectly:
@IBAction func savePlayer(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
let controller = segue.sourceViewController as! PlayerEditorViewController
let player = controller.player
scoreboard.players.byIdentity[player.identity] = player
We can use that in other places, too, such as to communicate updates between the master ScoreboardListViewController
and the detail ScoreboardViewController
protocol ScoreboardListViewControllerDetailType {
var scoreboard: Scoreboard { get set }
// detail controller must call master.detailDidUpdateSelectedScoreboard() after making changes
weak var master: ScoreboardListViewController? { get set }
class ScoreboardListViewController: UITableView, Transformable {
var detail: ScoreboardListViewControllerDetailType?
var scoreboards: [Scoreboard] {
didSet {
transform(from: oldValue, to: scoreboards)
if let detail = detail {
// If the selected scoreboard has been deleted, pick a default.
let updatedSelection = scoreboards.byIdentity[currentSelection.identity] ?? scoreboards.first
let currentScoreboard = detail.scoreboard
if currentSelection != updatedSelection {
detail.scoreboard = updatedSelection
func detailDidUpdateSelectedScoreboard() {
let updatedSelection = detail!.scoreboard
scoreboards[updatedSelection.identity] = updatedSelection
And there you have it: a very handy way to access and manipulate models by identity, rather than by using indexes that might change.
At this point, though, you might be feeling like this is a bit of a shaggy dog story. We've gone to a lot of effort to avoid using objects, but what's the benefit? Not having to write some insert
and reload
calls? I'll discuss some of the possibilities this technique opens up—and conclude the series—in Part VI.